Urban Legends Professional Development is a minority rights movement organization that focuses on empowering the leaders in our education community to change the narrative of urban education through story telling and strategic planning. Our goal is to achieve real equity and support the children who will be our future. We believe that every child deserves a quality education, regardless of their background, and we work to ensure that this becomes a reality. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and their families by providing the resources they need to succeed.

Meet the founder of Urban Legends PD-
Dr. Gloria McDaniel-Hall
Dr. Gloria McDaniel-Hall currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at National Louis University in Chicago. She was a principal, director of school quality and senior curriculum and instruction specialist with National Heritage Academies for the past 13 years. She has been an elementary school teacher, principal, and director during her 38-year tenure as an educator.
She is passionate about the fact that education is the human rights issue of our time. She has devoted her life to equity for all members of the school community.
Dr. McDaniel-Hall is also an author who specializes in children’s books devoted to social-emotional learning topics. Her first book is an autographical text entitled Gloria Finds Her Voice, which chronicles her experiences in primary school in Texas in which she was one of a few children to integrate the Alamo School in Galveston, Texas. Other books in the series are in-progress.
She holds a B.A. from the University of Illinois in Elementary Education, an M.B.A. from the University of Illinois with a focus on Marketing and Human Resources, an M.A. from Concordia University in Educational Leadership and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, in Illinois. The focus of her doctoral work was the creation of a support model for urban teachers.

My Story Below
Gloria Finds Her Voice
"This book should be in all school libraries. Well done!"
-Jerome W.
"Gloria Finds Her Voice" is the true story of a young African American girl who initially struggled in school because of racism during the time of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. As a result of her experience, she developed selective mutism (an anxiety disorder in which a person is unable to speak in certain social situations). She eventually becomes more sure of her abilities and self-worth when she attends a more supportive school. This book is filled with beautiful illustrations and a real plot which highlights the power of great teachers and supportive school settings.
"...I read the book with my Granddaughter and it fostered a healthy dialog about confidence, fear, anxiety and the positive transfer of energy through smiling."

Payton Finds a Friend
"...If you have a child that is starting at a new school (or trying anything new), this is the book for them." -NSH
Payton Finds a Friend is a book for any child who has to try something new - especially any child who has to go to a new school! Payton finds out that not only will he no longer be in his favorite teacher’s class anymore, but he also has to go to a brand new school! He’s really worried about a lot of things. But his biggest question is: Will he be able to find new friends? His story teaches us all a lot of very important lessons to think about when we have to try things we haven’t done before.
"...The book also contains additional resources for parents, students, and teachers at the end. We highly recommend this book for kids and adults! You will love it!"
Children's Books